DELL 8132 ユーザーズマニュアル

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Data Center Bridging Commands
new configuration source are ignored. The configuration received over the 
configuration source port is maintained until cleared by the operator (set the 
port to the manual role). FIP snooping must be enabled to set a port to 
configuration source. For interfaces configured in a port-channel for which it 
is desirable to receive configuration information, it is strongly recommended 
that the auto-up setting be used on the physical interfaces in the port channel 
in preference to the configuration source parameter.
Configuration Source Port Selection Process 
When an auto-upstream or auto-downstream port receives a configuration 
from a peer, the DCBX client first checks if there is an active configuration 
source. If there is a configuration source already selected, the received 
configuration is checked against the local port operational values as received 
from the configuration source, and if compatible, the client marks the port as 
operationally enabled. If the configuration received from the peer is 
determined to not be compatible, a message is logged, an error counter is 
incremented and the DCBX clients become operationally disabled on the 
port. The port continues to keep link up and exchanges DCBX packets. If a 
compatible configuration is later received, the DCBX clients will become 
operationally enabled.
If there is no configuration source, a port may elect itself as the configuration 
source on a first-come, first-serve basis from the set of eligible ports. A port is 
eligible to become the configuration source if:
• No other port is the configuration source.
• The port role is auto-upstream.
• The port is enabled with link up and DCBX enabled.
• The port has negotiated a DCBX relationship with the partner.
• The switch is capable of supporting the received configuration values, 
either directly or by translating the values into an equivalent configuration 
N.B. Whether or not the peer configuration is compatible with the 
configured values is NOT considered.
The newly elected configuration source propagates DCBX client information 
to the other ports and is internally marked as being the port over which 
configuration has been received. Configuration changes received from the 
peer over the configuration source port are propagated to the other auto-  Page 876  Friday, March 15, 2013  8:56 AM