Multi-Tech Systems FF200 ユーザーズマニュアル

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Chapter 8:  Device Manager Installation & Operation 
Multi-Tech Systems, Inc.           FF200 FaxFinder Fax Server Admin User Guide 
Synchronizing Phonebooks 
As noted earlier, this command applies to FaxFinders, CallFinders, and to MA100 Multi-Access units.  
The steps of the procedure are described below using a FaxFinder as an example device.  
When FaxFinder phonebooks are synchronized, all non-administrative listings match.  One FaxFinder unit 
(the Primary unit) holds the master list that is transmitted (using the Synchronize Phonebooks 
command) to other FaxFinder units in the system (Copy units).  FaxFinder units can operate in same 
system but have independent phonebooks, in which case they are designated Independent.   
Synchronizing phonebooks entails three steps: 
1. Designating one FaxFinder as the master phone book. In the main Device Manager screen, right-click 
on the unit to be designated as master, scroll to Set Phone Book Sharing, and select Primary.   
2. Designating all other FaxFinder units participating in phonebook sharing as Copy units. In the main 
Device Manager screen, right-click on each unit to share the master phonebook, and select Copy.