Alcatel-Lucent 6850-48 ネットワークガイド

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Configuring IP Multicast Switching
Modifying IPMS Parameters
OmniSwitch AOS Release 6 Network Configuration Guide
September 2009
page 42-19
Note. If the links are known to be lossy, then robustness variable can be set to a higher value (7).
You can also modify the IGMP robustness variable from 1 to 7 on the specified VLAN by entering:
-> ip multicast vlan 2 robustness 3
Restoring the IGMP Robustness Variable
You can restore the IGMP robustness variable to its default (i.e., 2) value on the system if no vlan is 
specified, by entering 
 followed by the value 0 as shown below:
-> ip multicast robustness 0
Or, as an alternative, enter:
-> ip multicast robustness
To restore the IGMP robustness to its default value.
You can also restore the IGMP robustness variable to its default (i.e., 2) value on the specified VLAN, by 
entering ip multicast robustness followed by the value 0 as shown below:
-> ip multicast vlan 2 robustness 0
Or, as an alternative, enter:
-> ip multicast vlan 2 robustness
To restore the IGMP robustness to its default value.
Enabling and Disabling the IGMP Spoofing
By default, IGMP spoofing (i.e., replacing a client's MAC and IP address with the system's MAC and IP 
address, when proxying aggregated IGMP group membership information) is disabled on the switch. The 
following subsections describe how to enable and disable spoofing by using th
Enabling the IGMP Spoofing
To enable IGMP spoofing on the system if no VLAN is specified, use the 
as shown below:
-> ip multicast spoofing enable
You can also enable IGMP spoofing on the specified VLAN by entering:
-> ip multicast vlan 2 spoofing enable
Disabling the IGMP Spoofing
To disable IGMP spoofing on the system if no VLAN is specified, use the 
command as shown below:
-> ip multicast spoofing disable
Or, as an alternative, enter: