Netopia 430 s 参照ガイド

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Netopia ISDN Router Reference Guide
Associating port numbers to nodes
When an IP client, such as a Netscape or Microsoft Internet Explorer 
web browser, wants to establish a session with an IP ser ver, such 
as a web ser ver, the client must know the IP address to use and the 
IP por t where the traffic is to be directed. 
Just as an IP address specifies a par ticular computer on a network, 
por ts are addresses that specify a par ticular ser vice in a computer. 
There are many universally agreed-upon por ts assigned to various 
ser vices. For example:
Web ser vers use por t number 80.
FTP ser vers use por t number 21.
Telnet uses por t number 23.
SNMP uses por t number 161.
The Netopia ISDN Router lets you associate these and other por t 
numbers to nodes on your internal LAN. See 
accomplish this.