Cisco Cisco Computer Telephony Integration OS 8.5

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Release Notes for Cisco CTI OS Enterprise & Hosted Editions, Release 7.2(1)
Installation Notes
The CTI OS 7.0 Client Installer installs CTI OS 6.0 documentation. This caveat has been closed.
CTI OS 7.2(1) allows a maximum of two monitor mode connections per CTI OS Server by default. Any 
attempt to connect more than two monitor mode connections will result in a CTIOSFailure event. The 
maximum number of monitor mode connections is configurable using the 
MaxMonitorModeConnections registry setting. Please see the CTI OS System Manager's Guide for 
details. This caveat has been resolved and verified.
The error message CTIERR_BIB_RESOURCE_NOT_AVAILABLE: “Device not capable”applies 
to older phones not capable of R&M irrespective of BIB configuration. IPCC Error[13139] Agent device 
doesn't support monitoring or its build-in-bridge is not enabled, please check your CCM configuration. 
In the jtapi log file, the cause is: CAUSE_SERVOROPTNAVAILORIMPL 
The error message CTIERR_BIB_NOT_CONFIGURED: "BIB not configured" applies to devices 
that are capable of R&M but that have BIB disabled. 
IPCC Error[13144] Monitoring request has encountered error, please make sure that the Built-In-Bridge 
is turned on and the phone has the monitoring capability.
In the jtapi log file, the cause is: CAUSE_RESOURCES_NOT_AVAILABLE 
This is an open CallManager issue. 
CTI OS 7.2(1) Installation and Uninstallation
Installing CTI OS 7.2(1)
Follow these steps on each CTI OS component on which you install this release.
How to Install CTI OS 7.2(1)
Step 1
Log into the CTI OS node under an account with administrator privileges for the local machine.
Step 2
If upgrading a CTI OS Server or CTI OS Data Store host, use the ICM Service Control utility to stop all 
CTI OS services running on the node, and then close the ICM Service Control utility.
Step 3
If upgrading CTI OS Desktops, stop all phones running at the host desktop.
Step 4
If upgrading CTI OS Driver for Siebel, stop all Siebel clients.
Step 5
If upgrading CTI OS SDK, stop all the programming environments.
Step 6
If installed, stop the Cisco Security Agent (CSA) service.