Cisco Cisco WebEx Event Center WBS30 白書

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White Paper
2.  Embrace a second screen–based communication process:  
•  Companies that use the new town hall format encourage team  
members to watch executives on video while interacting with the  
social tools available to them.  
•  The chat screen encourages people to be curious about what they’re 
hearing or to seek out information from within the community.  
•  Executives must be visible in question-and-answer “video windows,” 
answering inquiries personally, with responses everyone can see.  
Polls help you check in with the audience and gauge understanding.  
3.  Answer the seven essential questions of engagement to inspire action. Most 
executives communicate what they want their teams to do. On the receiving end, 
employees are thinking “Why? Who? How?” Leaders must be able to answer the 
following questions when communicating decisions to employees:
•  Why is this important? (Give me strategic clarity.)
•  Who made the decision?
•  Who is accountable for the decision?
•  How do I know the accountability system is credible?
•  What process was used to make the decision?
•  What data supported the decision?
•  What trade-offs were considered?
Achieving the New Town Hall Vision 
While the enabling technology is proven and available for enterprises that are 
ready to move to the new town hall format, it can be challenging for companies to 
know where to start. A glut of tools and services, a lack of virtual event production 
experience, communication silos, and other time and knowledge barriers can 
prevent organizations from taking the next step toward collaboration in the cloud.
A trusted partner can help your enterprise formulate and execute a solid yet 
visionary collaboration strategy. As the global leader in collaborative events—one 
of the only vendors to offer integrated virtual event solutions that include both 
technology and services—Cisco is an ideal partner to help you take advantage of 
collaboration in the cloud.  
First, Cisco leads the industry in the two core technologies that serve as the engine 
for collaboration: the network foundation and cloud-based software, for everything 
from small-scale online meetings to full-scale virtual events. Second, Cisco has 
one of the world’s most experienced production services teams. Our professionals 
represent decades of online event experience, with a proven track record of more 
than 80,000 online events produced to date.
New Town Hall Format 
Helps the Bottom Line for 
Healthcare Company
A major U.S. healthcare organization 
moved from audio conferencing for 
large town hall meetings to a live 
webcasting model to take advantage 
of the benefits of the new town hall 
model. In addition to enjoying better 
engagement with thousands of its 
workers, the company also saved a 
significant amount of money because the 
new format was only a third of the cost of 
the previous audio-only solution.