Cisco Cisco Application Extension Platform for SRE

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Cisco Application eXtension Platform 1.1 Developer Guide
SSH Tunnel Connection
Assuming that port 2222 is bound to the gdbserver on the virtual instance side, the following example 
command establishes an SSH tunnel from workstation port 4567 to service module port 2222.
workstation-shell# ssh -L 4567:localhost:2222 tunnel_root@myblade -p 2022
Running GDB on the Development Workstation
This example assumes that port 4567 binds to the SSH tunnel on the workstation, as shown in the above 
example code in the 
workstation-shell-2# gdb
(gdb) file debug
(gdb) target remote localhost:4567
You can use typical GDB commands such as break, continue, and step.
This section includes the following example(s):
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GetRouterIP API: Example
Use the function GetRouterIP( ) to obtain the IP address of the Cisco IOS router. GetRouterIP( ) is 
located in library /lib/
The following example specifies the include file of ipcServiceAPI.h in the following include statement:
#include <ipcServiceAPI.h>