Cisco Headend System Release 2.7 インストールガイド

ページ / 138
Troubleshooting SSL 
4038415 Rev A 
Troubleshooting SSL 
svcs -a | grep apache2
If the output of this command does not list the Apache2 server as being online, 
the httpd process needs to be killed. Follow these instructions to kill the httpd 
a  Type the following command and then press Enter
ps -ef | grep httpd
b  Type the following command nd then press Enter, where [PID] is the process 
ID returned by the previous command. 
kill [PID] a
openssl:  not found error
If the openssl command is not available in the PATH variable, then the path to 
openssl has to be explicitly specified. The openssl tool is located in the following 
directory:  /usr/sfw/bin/openssl 
If the CSR generation with the aes256 option fails with an error about SUNWcry, 
then generate the 3DES key by typing the following command and then pressing 
openssl genrsa -des3 -out server.key 1024
If the openssl s_client command (step 12 of Required Changes to the 
/etc/apache2/ssl.conf File
 (on page 114)) generates an error, try this command 
openssl s_client -connect localhost:443 -state -debug
If this command is successful, it probably is because the SSLCipherSuite is not 
configured correctly. Retry the command in bullet 3 and refresh the Apache 