Cisco Cisco FirePOWER Appliance 7020

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FireSIGHT System User Guide
Chapter 13      Using Access Control Policies
  Managing Access Control Policies
Step 1
Policies > Access Control
The Access Control page appears.
Step 2
New Policy
The New Access Control Policy pop-up window appears.
Step 3
Give the policy a unique 
 and, optionally, a 
You can use all printable characters, including spaces and special characters, except for the pound sign 
), a semi-colon (;), or either brace ({}). The name must include at least one non-space character. 
Step 4
Specify the 
Default Action
Step 5
Select the 
Available Devices
 where you want to apply the policy. 
Use Ctrl and Shift to select multiple devices, or right-click to 
Select All
. To narrow the devices that 
appear, type a search string in the 
 field. To clear the search, click the clear icon (
Step 6
Add the 
Selected Devices
. You can click and drag, or you can click 
Add to Policy
Step 7
The access control policy Edit page appears. For information on configuring your new policy, including 
adding rules, see 
. Note that you must apply the policy for 
it to take effect; see 
Editing an Access Control Policy
On the policy Edit page, you can configure your policy and organize access control rules. See 
 for more information.
When you change your configuration, a message indicates that you have unsaved changes. To retain your 
changes, you must save the policy before exiting the policy Edit page. If you attempt to exit the policy 
Edit page without saving your changes, you are cautioned that you have unsaved changes; you can then 
discard your changes and exit the policy, or return to the policy Edit page.
To protect the privacy of your session, after sixty minutes of inactivity on the policy Edit page, changes 
to your policy are discarded and you are returned to the Access Control page. After the first thirty 
minutes of inactivity, a message appears and updates periodically to provide the number of minutes 
remaining before changes are discarded. Any activity on the page cancels the timer.
When you attempt to edit the same policy in two browser windows, you are prompted whether to resume 
your edit in the new window, discard your changes in the original window and continue editing in the 
new window, or cancel the second window and return to the policy Edit page.
When multiple users edit the same policy concurrently, a message for each on the policy Edit page 
identifies other users who have unsaved changes. Any user who attempts to save their changes is 
cautioned that their changes will overwrite changes by other users. When the same policy is saved by 
multiple users, the last saved changes are retained.
To edit an access control policy:
Admin/Access Admin/Network Admin
Step 1
Policies > Access Control