Murata Electronics North America Z2430A ユーザーズマニュアル

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ZMN2405/ZMN2405HP Dev Kit 
© 2007-2008 RFM Inc. 
M-2405-0000 Rev. C- 
Show ZigBee Tree
The Show ZigBee Tree button displays a hierarchical view of the network. The Coordinator is 
displayed at the top. When there are other devices in the network, a plus sign will be displayed 
under the Coordinator. Clicking on the plus sign will expand the ZigBee Tree displaying the 
Routers and End Devices directly associated with the Coordinator. Any Routers with children 
will also have a plus sign. Clicking on the plus sign will expand the children list of that Router. 
This will continue until the entire network is displayed. The default is to display the MAC address 
of the network nodes but you can have the network addresses and friendly names displayed by 
checking the corresponding boxes.  
5.9 Config 
The Config button brings up the Module Clusters dialog which allows configuration parameters 
of each radio to be modified. There are seven possible tabs across the top of the dialog window 
that correspond to the Zigbee clusters; Config, Config Enable Options, Module I/O, Network, 
Diag, RF and End Device. However, the End Device tab will only appear if the applicable radio 
is configured as an End Device. It is shown in the screens below for informational purposes. A 
Broadcast Mode
 checkbox appears in the lower left hand side of each Cluster’s tab that sends 
the applicable Cluster’s information to all radios. 
Once values have been modified, click on the Apply button to write the new values in the 
module. If a reset of the module is required for the changes to take effect, the Radio Reset 
dialog will be displayed as shown below. Click on Yes to reset the radio, Click on No to have the 
changes take affect on the next power cycle.  
Note: See individual Cluster tables to determine if a Radio Reset is required.