Wiley 3D for iPhone Apps with Blender and SIO2 978-0-470-57492-8 ユーザーズマニュアル

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  Chapter 1: Getting Started with 3D Development for the iPhone
 directory contains non-code data files that the app needs access to. As 
you can see, there are two PNG image files currently in the 
 directory. One of 
them is the app icon image, and one of them is the loading screen image.
 file is created by the Interface Builder application. If you go on to 
do more iPhone development, you will certainly learn about the Interface Builder and 
XIB files, but you won’t need to deal with them directly for the purposes of this book. All 
of the official SIO2 tutorials and all of the code in this book are built using the default 
OpenGL ES template from Xcode, and there is no direct support for building OpenGL ES 
interfaces with the Interface Builder.
 file is a property list. This is a table of property values for the app. You 
can change various things here about your app, such as which image is used for the icon.
 directory will also be home to the 
 files created when you export 
3D assets from Blender. You’ll learn about 
 files in Chapter 3. Note that file exten-
sions are case-sensitive in Mac, and the 
 file extension is always formatted in 
, and 
 directories hold the elements of your app. 
Mostly, you will not need to deal with these directly, except to change their names 
when creating your own project. The Target system in Xcode enables multiple related 
applications to be created within a single project, which is useful in large-scale develop-
ment projects such as client-server applications. For iPhone development, however, it is 
unlikely you will ever need to deal with more than one target per project, so this func-
tionality can be mostly ignored.
All those directories that I haven’t mentioned in the upper half of the Groups & Files 
pane are important too, but you will mostly not need to access them directly. These are 
the libraries that provide the functions called in the application. The 
 directory con-
tains the actual SIO2 code that implements the functionality you’ll be using. The 
directory contains the Bullet Physics Library. To learn about the implementation of these 
libraries, you can browse these directories.
Now that you’ve got some idea of what’s in your project, you can go ahead and advance 
to the most anticlimactic part of this whole chapter: building the template app. Do this 
by clicking the Build And Go button at the top of the Xcode window. Wait a few seconds 
as Xcode builds the app and installs it on your iPhone simulator. The iPhone simulator 
should open automatically, the SIO2 loading screen should flash for a split second, and 
then, if everything has gone smoothly. . .nothing! The screen of your iPhone simulator 
should go completely black.
Of course, the reason nothing happened is that this is, after all, a template. The whole 
point of this book will be to teach you how to turn this nothing into something interest-
ing. To stop the current app, click the round button at the base of the iPhone simulator, 
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