Wiley 3D for iPhone Apps with Blender and SIO2 978-0-470-57492-8 ユーザーズマニュアル

ページ / 10
Setting Up Your Development Environment 
just as you normally would on your iPhone or iPod Touch to stop an app. You’ll return 
to the buttons screen of the iPhone simulator, as shown in Figure 1.5, where you’ll see, 
sure enough, the button for the template app alongside the other apps installed on the 
If this has all gone as described, then you 
should be pleased. Your development environ-
ment is set up and SIO2 is building smoothly. 
You’re ready to move on to creating actual 
3D content for your iPhone or iPod Touch in 
Chapter 2.
Nevertheless, I wouldn’t blame you if you felt 
a little bit gypped after going through a whole 
chapter without getting to see any actual 3D 
action on your iPhone simulator. Fortunately, the 
 directory is packed with ready-made code 
samples that you can dive into and explore right 
now. I highly recommend that you take a look at 
some of them. You can build and run them all in 
exactly the same way that you did the template, 
by opening the file with the filename extension 
 in the project’s directory and click-
ing Build And Go. Figure 1.6 shows the results of 
 project, featuring every Blender 
artist’s favorite digital monkey. Have fun explor-
ing the other tutorial files. Don’t worry if they 
seem over your head. After you have made your way through this book, you will have the 
background you need to dive in and pick them apart. Chapter 9 gives an overview of their 
contents, so you can go straight to the tutorial that has the advanced information you need.
Figure 1.5
The template app 
installed in your 
iPhone simulator
Figure 1.6
Suzanne in  
your iPhone
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