Motorola Router 6161252-00-01 ユーザーズマニュアル

ページ / 340
IP Setup   7-1
Chapter 7
IP Setup
Motorola Netopia® Embedded Software Version 8.7.4 uses Internet Protocol (IP) to communicate both locally 
and with remote networks. This chapter shows you how to configure the gateway to route IP traffic. You also 
learn how to configure the gateway to ser ve IP addresses to hosts on your local network.
Motorola’s IP routing features Network Address Translation and IP address ser ving.
This section covers the following topics:
Network Address Translation allows communication between the LAN connected to the Router and the Internet 
using a single (or a few) IP address(es) instead of a routed account with separate IP addresses for each 
computer on the network.
Network Address Translation also provides increased security by hiding the local IP addresses of the LAN 
connected to the Motorola Netopia
 gateways from the outside world.
The setup is simpler, so ISPs typically offer Internet accounts suppor ting Network Address Translation at a 
significant cost savings.
For a detailed discussion of Network Address Translation, see 
IP Setup
The IP Setup options screen is where you configure the Ethernet side of the Router. The information you enter 
here controls how the gateway routes IP traffic.
Consult your network administrator or ISP to obtain the IP setup information (such as the Ethernet IP address, 
Ethernet subnet mask, default IP gateway, and Primar y Domain Name Ser ver IP address) you will need before 
changing any of the settings in this screen. Changes to these settings that you make in this screen will take 
effect only after the Motorola Netopia
 device is reset.
IP Setup