Cisco Cisco Customer Voice Portal Downloads

페이지 210
Installing Unified Call Studio
Note: Unified Call Studio is only supported on Windows XP and Vista.
Warning: Windows Vista sets access permissions on the C:\Program Files directory and
allows only users with administrator privileges to write to this directory. Therefore, it is
strongly recommended that you install Call Studio to a directory other than C:\Program
Running the Cisco Unified Call Studio Installation Program
To install Call Studio, perform the following steps.
Step 1
From the CallStudio\Installer_Windows folder on the Unified CVP installation DVD, run
A Preparing Setup screen and a splash screen display, followed by a Welcome screen.
Step 2
On the Welcome screen, click Next.
Note: If you click Cancel here or on the dialog screens that follow prior to the Summary screen,
no part of the installation will occur, and an Exit Setup dialog box will display.
A Copyright screen displays.
Step 3
Review the contents of the Copyright screen, then click Next.
A License Agreement screen displays.
Step 4
Use the scroll bar to review the entire license agreement, then select I accept the terms of the
license agreement
, and click Next.
The Choose Destination Location screen displays.
Getting Started with Cisco Unified Customer Voice Portal Release 8.0(0)
 Chapter 6