E-Mu orbit v2 사용자 설명서

페이지 140
Orbit V2 Operation Manual
• Solo Mode
Solo mode provides the playing action of a monophonic instrument.
This mode does not allow you to play a chord. Two types of solo mode
are provided: wind controller mode and synth mode. Both modes
have single triggering and last-note priority. In either solo mode, if a
new note is played while another is being held, the envelope genera-
tors will not retrigger. This allows a legato playing technique to be
used. Wind controller mode, as its name suggests, provides more
realistic effects when working with wind controllers.
Wind mode
The envelope generator attack always begins at the start of the
attack phase.
Synth mode
The envelope generator attack begins at whatever point the
envelope is in when a new key is pressed.
• Portamento Rate
Portamento is a smooth gliding between notes instead of the normal
instantaneous change in pitch when a new key is pressed. The porta-
mento rate is the time it takes to glide to the new pitch. The larger the
value, the slower the glide rate. The rate is adjustable from 1-127 or it
can be turned Off. Portamento glides at a linear rate between notes
and can be set separately for the primary and secondary layers.
Portamento works both in and out of Solo Mode.
pri:127  sec:Off
• Chorus
Chorus “thickens” the sound by doubling the sound and then
detuning it. The chorus amount is variable over a range of 1 to 15.
When Chorus is on, the number of channels used by an instrument
will be doubled.
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