games-pc sid s meiers-civilization iii 사용자 설명서

페이지 243
Food Storage Box
Any surplus food generated by your city each turn accumulates in this box.The capac-
ity of the box expands as the city’s population increases.When the box overflows, your
city’s population grows by one
point, and a new citizen is
added to the Population Ros-
ter. The Food Storage Box
empties and begins to fill again
the next turn.A note at the top
of the box tells you how long
it will be at the current rate of
accumulation before the city
produces its next citizen.
If the city is not producing
enough food to feed its popu-
lation, the shortage is sub-
tracted from the reserve in the
Food Storage Box. If the box is
empty and the city still has a
food shortfall, the city loses one
point of population each turn
due to starvation, until equi-
librium is reached.
The Granary improvement has the effect of speeding population growth.When a city
has a Granary, the Food Storage Box only half empties when it overflows and creates
more people.The box empties only to the granary line.The Pyramids Wonder has the
same effect, but for all cities on the same continent rather than just one.
Production Box
Next to your Food Storage Box is the Production Box.The net production generated
by your city each turn accumulates here.The capacity of the Production Box changes
to reflect the cost of the unit, improvement, or Wonder currently under construction.
When the box is full, the item is complete.The box empties, and the new item is ready
for use.
The Food