Macromedia breeze-using the breeze publish wizard 사용자 설명서

페이지 32
Step 2: Selecting a presentation location
Click the Publish to This Folder button.
The Edit Information page appears. 
Navigating to an existing folder in the Content Library 
When you log in to the Breeze Publish Wizard, you are in your personal user folder in the 
Content Library. 
Note: Only your Breeze presentations are displayed in the Content Library. Other Breeze content, 
including SWF files, FLA files, and JPG files, are not displayed when you view the Content Library in 
the Breeze Publish Wizard.
In the Content Library, navigate to the folder where you want to save your presentation. You can 
perform the following tasks: 
Opening a folder
You open a folder by clicking the folder name in the display list.
To open a content folder:
Click the name of the folder.
The folders and files within that content folder appear. The trail of navigation links near the 
top of the browser window is updated to indicate the directory path to the selected folder.
Moving up one directory level
You can move up to the parent folder, the folder one level above the current folder, by clicking the 
Up One Level button in the navigation bar above the content list.
To move up one folder:
Click the Up One Level button in the navigation bar above the content list.
The folders and files in the parent folder appear. The name and location of the parent folder 
appears in the trail of navigation links near the top of the browser window.
Returning to any higher parent directory level
You can move up to any parent folder, not just the one immediately above the current folder, by 
clicking the name of the parent directory in the list of navigation links. The navigation links let 
you navigate quickly to any parent folder. 
To return to any parent folder:
Click the name of the parent directory in the trail of navigation links above the navigation bar.
The folders and files in the higher parent directory appear. The name and location of the 
parent folder appear in the trail of navigation links near the top of the browser window.