WordPress WordPress 사용자 설명서

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WordPress User Manual for Beginners 
3.5.4 Link relationship (XFN) 
Links can be related to your site – you can either create your own relationship, or 
use one of those attached. They’re mostly ignored and little used, however, and will 
make little difference to visitor experience. They can, however, help to cement the 
reason for a link within search engines. 
3.5.5 Advanced 
In the Advanced Links options you have a range of options: 
Image Address: You can insert a link to an image here – be careful, you should 
prepare images with care – to the correct size and resolution, in order for them to 
look good. Many people who use this option tend to end up with untidy websites. 
RSS Address:  If there is also and RSS feed available at the site you’re linking to, 
you can include it here. Some themes, widgets and plugins will use this information 
and show an RSS icon to match. 
Notes :You can keep notes about links here. 
Rating: This is used in some themes, widgets and plugins as a way of ordering links. 
3.6 How it looks 
So once you've set up the links... how do they look?  
So that's your website defined – you've now defined the structure using pages and 
categories, and you've successfully created a series of managed links. The structure 
can be changed pretty quickly and easily now should you ever have the desire, 
without every having to change a single page of content. That's the beauty of 
this type of dynamic website system – the content is separate from the organisation, 
and both are separated from the graphical design.