WordPress WordPress 사용자 설명서

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WordPress User Manual for Beginners 
Category Parent:
 If you’re creating a subcategory, this allows you to define which 
category is a parent. 
Description: Optional, but can be helpful – especially if you have multiple 
contributors to your site. Explain concisely but clearly what the purpose of the 
category is. 
Let’s create three categories – called News, Feedback and Services. 
If you create a category in error, you can also delete it here by selecting the category 
you want to delete in the box to the left, then clicking the delete button. Be careful – 
there’s no undo function here! 
You’ll notice you can’t delete Uncategorized – that’s because it’s the default category 
used if you don’t assign one to a post. You can change your default category in 
Settings | Writing in the Dashboard. 
3.4 Writing a post 
Writing a post is just the same as a page – but it’s something that, if you’re using 
WordPress for blogging, is going to be far more important for you. To get there, 
select Write, then, if it’s not already on Post, select Post. Some options are slightly 
different, because posts are organised differently. If you are an Editor or 
Administrator on the site, you have a Publish button. Once pressed the post 
becomes available on the website. Before the post is ready, however, you can save 
it and keep it as a draft. Since WordPress 2.5, autosave came into place, and since 
2.6 you then had a revision history,making it possible to see changes and revert to 
older versions of posts and pages. 
Below the post, where you can see the categories available to you – click on the 
correct categories for the article. Let’s make this a short news article about relocation 
of the business. Place the text below into it the text box, with the title “We’ve Moved:: 
We’ve moved into bigger and brighter premises – come visit us and keep checking 
here for news on a  greater product range.”. 
Scroll back up, press Publish, and hey presto! Your article is on the website and the 
navigation area has reflected this change  with the category of News now appearing: 
Now create a couple of articles for testing with – one called “New Products ”, and 
one called “We love Customers!” . Enter any text you like in the post box. Make sure 
that these two posts are in Products and Services categories respectively. Don’t 
forget to add tags as well! 
So – now you've done all this work, let's take another look at the website. 
And wow! Suddenly your website is looking a lot more complete and full. 
You've now completed the basic part of how to structure your website. There are a 
range of tasks that you will need to do and these are covered in forthcoming 
sections. Depending on your user level these include setting up users, how to do 
more sophisticated formatting in posts, uploading images, administering the options 
for how the site is laid out, advanced publishing options and so on.