Kanguru Solutions iNAS-100 사용자 설명서

페이지 59
There are several available options in addition to the basic settings: 
Allow entering administration web pages from external network 
If this option is not enabled, you will not be able to perform system administration 
from the computers connected to the WAN port. You may also assign the HTTP 
port number for entering administration web pages. 
Disable response to ICMP packets to avoid attacks from hackers 
For additional security, when enabling this option, outside computers cannot use 
the 'ping' program to probe for IP address of this server. 
•  LAN Configuration 
If you use the Kanguru iNAS 100 as the gateway to connect to the Internet, 
normally there is no need to change the LAN configuration. Simply change the 
network configuration of the computers on the LAN to automatically obtain IP 
addresses via DHCP protocol. By default, the Kanguru iNAS 100 provides the 
NAT function to allow the computers on your LAN to share a single WAN IP 
address for Internet access. 
Fixed IP address 
The IP address is a 32-bit digit code used to identify each single entity on a 
network. This address will be used for all clients in the internal LAN to access this 
Kanguru iNAS 100. You can check the current LAN IP address of the Kanguru 
iNAS 100 from the LCD panel (see Appendix A). 
Subnet Mask  
The subnet mask is used to define computer within the same local network.  It is 
a 32-bits digit code: 255.xxx.xxx.xxx. 
Default Gateway  
The gateway is generally referred as an interchange point that connects two 
networks, such as LAN and WAN. You don’t need to configure gateway address 
if the NAT function is enabled; just set it as 
Enable DHCP Server 
Once the DHCP server function is activated, the Kanguru iNAS 100 will assign 
dynamic IP addresses to any computer in the local network that is configured to 
automatically obtain IP addresses. 
Note: Only one DHCP server can be activated at any time in a network, or it may 
cause errors in communication. 
•  Network File Services 
Microsoft Networking 
Users using the Kanguru iNAS 100 on the Microsoft Windows operating 
systems must start Microsoft Network Services.