ONKYO CS-265DAB Manual Do Utilizador

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Con la presente Onkyo Corporation dichiara che 
questo CR-265DAB è conforme ai requisiti 
essenziali ed alle altre disposizioni pertinenti 
stabilite dalla direttiva 1999/5/CE.
Ar šo Onkyo Corporation deklarē, ka CR-265DAB 
atbilst Direktīvas 1999/5/EK būtiskajām prasībām un 
citiem ar to saistītajiem noteikumiem.
Šiuo Onkyo Corporation deklaruoja, kad šis 
CR-265DAB atitinka esminius reikalavimus ir kitas 
1999/5/EB Direktyvos nuostatas.
A Onkyo Corporation ezzennel kijelenti, hogy a 
CR-265DAB típusú beren-dezés teljesíti az 
alapvető követelményeket és más 1999/5/EK 
irányelvben meghatározott vonatkozó 
Hierbij verklaart Onkyo Corporation dat het toestel 
l CR-265DAB in overeenstemming is met de 
essentiële eisen en de andere relevante bepalin-
gen van richtlijn 1999/5/EG.
Niniejszym Onkyo Corporation deklaruje że 
CR-265DAB jest zgodny z zasadniczymi 
wymaganiami i innymi właściwymi 
postanowieniami Dyrektywy 1999/5/EC.
Eu, Onkyo Corporation, declaro que o 
CR-265DAB cumpre os requisitos essenciais e 
outras provisões relevantes da Directiva 1999/5/
Prin prezenta, Onkyo Corporation, declară că 
aparatul CR-265DAB este în conformitate cu 
cerinţele esenţiale şi cu alte prevederi pertinente 
ale Directivei 1999/5/CE.
Onkyo Corporation týmto vyhlasuje, že 
CR-265DAB a spĺňa základné požiadavky a 
všetky príslušné ustanovenia Smernice 1999/5/
Onkyo Corporation izjavlja, da je ta CR-265DAB v 
skladu z bistvenimi zahtevami in drugimi 
relevantnimi določili direktive 1999/5/ES.
Onkyo Corporation vakuuttaa täten että 
CR-265DAB tyyppinen laite on direktiivin 1999/5/
EY oleellisten vaatimusten ja sitä koskevien 
direktiivin muiden ehtojen mukainen.
Härmed förklarar Onkyo Corporation att denna 
CR-265DAB följer de väsentliga kraven och andra 
relevanta stadgar i Direktiv 1999/5/EC.
Hér með lýsir Onkyo Corporation því yfir að varan 
CR-265DAB er í samræmi við grunnkröfur og 
aðrar kröfur sem gerðar eru í tilskipun 1999/5/EC.
Onkyo Corporation erklærer herved at denne 
CR-265DAB er i overensstemmelse med 
vesentlige krav og andre relevante bestemmelser i 
direktiv 1999/5/EC.
Ovime Onkyo Corporation, potvrđuje da je 
CR-265DAB u suglasnosti sa osnovnim 
zahtjevima i ostalim relevantnim odredbama 
Direktive 1999/5/EC.
Before Using Your New Speakers
• Place the speakers on sturdy, flat surfaces. Putting 
them on uneven or unstable surfaces where they may 
fall and cause damage will affect the sound quality.
• Do not keep water or other liquids close to the 
speakers. If a liquid is spilled over them, the woofer 
and tweeter inside may be damaged.
• Do not handle the speakers with wet or damp hands.
Speaker Precautions
The speakers can handle the specified input power 
when used for normal music reproduction. If they’re 
fed any of the following signals, even if the input 
power is within the specified rating, excessive current 
may flow in the speaker coils, causing burning or wire 
1. Interstation noise from an untuned FM radio.
2. Audio from a cassette that’s being fast-forwarded.
3. High-pitched sounds generated by an oscillator, 
electronic musical instrument, and so on.
4. Amplifier oscillation.
5. Special test tones from audio test CDs and so on.
6. Thumps and clicks caused by connecting or 
disconnecting audio cables (always turn off your 
amplifier before connecting or disconnecting 
7. Microphone feedback.
The speakers contain powerful magnets. Do not put 
metal items, such as screwdrivers, close to the 
speakers, as they may be attracted toward the magnet, 
causing injury, or damage to the tweeter diaphragm.
Using Close to a CRT-type TV or 
(In the following explanation, “TV” refers to a CRT-
type TV.)
TVs and computer monitors are magnetically sensitive 
devices and as such are likely to suffer from 
discoloration or picture distortion when conventional 
speakers are placed nearby. To prevent this, the 
speakers feature internal magnetic shielding. In some 
situations, however, discoloration may still be an issue. 
In this case, turn off your TV or monitor, wait 15 to 30 
minutes, and then turn it back on again. This normally 
activates the degaussing function, which neutralizes the 
magnetic field, thereby removing any discoloration 
effects. If discoloration problems persist, try moving 
the speakers away from your TV or monitor. Note that 
discoloration can also be caused by a magnet or 
demagnetizing tool that’s too close to your TV or 
• If the speakers are placed close to a TV or monitor, 
due to the electromagnetic waves radiated by the TV 
or monitor, you may hear noise from the speakers 
even after your amplifier has been turned off. To 
prevent this, position the speakers away from your 
TV or monitor.