Roland FR-7/FR-5 Manual Do Utilizador

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Editing sounds | TUNING parameters
FR-7/FR-5 V-Accordion
TUNING parameters
The parameters of the TUNING group apply to the entire FR-7/FR-5 and are not saved to a Set. The 
FR-7/FR-5 remembers them, however, so that you may have to change them again to return to the fac-
tory default. See pages 35 and 37 for how to select and adjust the parameters.
Press [UP] and [DOWN] simultaneously to select the value that is indicated as “Default setting”.
Whenever you press [EXIT÷JUMP] after editing a Menu 
parameter, the FR-7/FR-5 asks you whether you want 
to save your changes:
“YES” is selected by default. To save your changes, pro-
ceed as described below. (If you don’t want to save 
them, turn the [DATA÷ENTER] knob to select “NO”, then 
press the [DATA÷ENTER] knob.)
To save your changes:
(1) Press the [DATA÷ENTER] knob. The display now 
responds with:
Note: The GLOBAL page shows all parameters that are saved to 
the Global memory (there is only one such memory): the Mas-
ter Tune and Scale Tune parameters of the TUNING group (the 
Transpose setting is never saved) as well as the SYSTEM and 
MIDI groups.
(2) Press the [MENU÷WRITE] button to save your 
changes. The display briefly shows a confirmation:
Note: If you selected “NO”, the edited Global settings will be 
used until you switch off the FR-7/FR-5 (or change them 
Note: The SCALE and TUNE settings are saved using a separate 
WRITE routine (see below).
(415.3~466.2, Default setting: 
440.0) This parameter allows 
you to change the FR-7/FR-5’s 
overall tuning, which may be 
necessary when you play with 
acoustic instruments that cannot be tuned easily or if 
you use a CD or cassette tape as accompaniment. The 
factory default, “440.0Hz”, represents the reference 
pitch used by all electronic musical instruments. 
(F# –6, G –5, Ab –4, A –3, Bb –2, 
B –1, C 0, C# 1, D2, Eb 3, E 4, 
F 5) This parameter allows you 
to transpose all sections of the 
FR-7/FR-5. See page 28 for 
This page contains two parame-
ters. The first one allows you to 
select the tuning system and the 
second one to specify the funda-
mental/root of the key you want 
to play in. This was already discussed on page 29.
Type: Equal (Off), User 1, User 2, User 3, Arabic1, 
Arabic2, Just Major, Just Minor, Pythagorean, Mean-
Tone, Werckmeister, Kirnberger
Key: C, C
#, D, Eb, E, F, F#, G, Ab, A, Bb, B
Here comes a display page with 
three selectable and adjustable 
parameters. You may have 
noticed that there are three 
“User” scales. They refer to tun-
ing systems you can program yourself. Obviously, you 
only need to do this if none of the factory scales corre-
sponds to the system you would like to use (a gamelan 
tuning, for example). 
As this is a rather complex matter, the procedure for 
programming your tuning is a little different from the 
adjustment of other parameters:
• After selecting this page, pressing [DATA÷ENTER] will 
do nothing.
• Instead, you need to press the [MENU÷WRITE] button 
to jump to the following page:
Saving your changes