Gestetner c7528 Guia De Utilização

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Monitoring and Configuring the Printer
IP address:
Access type:read-write / trap off
• If “-p” is added, you can view settings one by one.
• To display the current community, specify its registration number.
❖ Display
msh> snmp ?
❖ Community name configuration
msh> snmp “number” name “community_name”
• You can configure ten SNMP access settings numbered 1-10.
• The printer cannot be accessed from SmartDeviceMonitor for Admin or
SmartDeviceMonitor for Client if “public” is not registered in numbers 1-10.
When changing the community name, use SmartDeviceMonitor for Admin
and SNMP Setup Tool to correspond with printer settings.
• The community name can be entered using up to 15 characters.
❖ Deleting community name
msh> snmp “number” clear name
❖ Access type configuration
msh> snmp “number” type “access_type”
❖ Protocol configuration
msh> snmp {ip | ipx} {on | off}
• Use the following command to set protocols “active” or “inactive”: If you set
a protocol “inactive”, all access settings for that protocol are disabled.
• Specify “ip” for TCP/IP, or “ipx” for IPX/SPX.
• {on} means “active” and {off} means “inactive”.
• IEEE 1394 interface is available for TCP/IP only.
❖ Configuration of protocol for each registration number
msh> snmp “number” active {ip | ipx} {on | off}
• To change the protocol of access settings, use the following command.
However, if you have disabled a protocol with the above command, activat-
ing it here has no effect.
Access type
Type of access permission
not accessible
read only
read and write
user is notified of trap messages