Cisco Cisco Agent Desktop 8.5 Guia Da Instalação
CAD Configuration Setup Utility
February 21, 2013
Entering Configuration Data in Update Mode
To modify CAD configuration settings:
1. Start CAD Configuration Setup. CAD Configuration Setup starts and displays
the CAD Base Services Location dialog box.
In Desktop Administrator, select the logical contact center node in the left
pane and then choose Setup > Configure Systems from the menu bar.
pane and then choose Setup > Configure Systems from the menu bar.
On another CAD host computer, navigate to the folder
…\Program Files\Cisco\Desktop\bin and double-click postinstall.exe.
…\Program Files\Cisco\Desktop\bin and double-click postinstall.exe.
2. Verify that the primary (and optional secondary) IP addresses for Directory
Services are correct, then click OK. CAD Configuration Setup launches with
the Unified CM node selected.
the Unified CM node selected.
NOTE: To switch between the left and right pane, press F6. To move
up and down the left pane, use the up and down arrows.
up and down the left pane, use the up and down arrows.
3. Select the node you want to modify from the left pane, enter the new data in
the right pane, then click Apply.
You can display the nodes in any order you wish.
If you modify something in a node, you must click Apply to save your
changes before you move on to another node.
changes before you move on to another node.
4. When you are done making your changes, choose File > Exit or click Close.
CAD Configuration Setup closes.
5. Restart the CAD services and all desktops for the change to go into effect.
Figure 7.
CAD Base Services Location dialog box