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Cisco Internet Service Node (ISN) Product Description
Chapter 2      ISN Solution Components
ISN System Administration
 shows an example of an ICM Service Control window.
Figure 2-6
ICM Service Control Window
ISN Reporting
ISN reporting is provided by the NAM/ICM’s capabilities, specifically, termination call detail (TCD) 
The NAM/ICM creates one TCD record per ISN call, independent of the number of times a call maybe 
transferred to a new termination endpoint (that is, using the VRU Network Transfer feature). The 
NAM/ICA also creates a TCD for each leg of the transferred call, providing the destination endpoint is 
managed though another ICM connection (IPCC or ACD-PG). 
For example, if a new call arrives at the ISN and receives IVR treatment there, the following call 
sequence might take place:
The ISN connects the call to an IPCC agent.
An IPCC agent consults with a second IPCC agent.
The IPCC agent transfers the call to the second agent, using the VRU Network Transfer feature such 
that the ISN performs the takeback and transfer. 
The NAM/ICM would create four TCDs as a result of this call sequence:
The first record representing the entire ISN call. 
The second record for the leg where the ISN connects the caller to Agent 1.
The third record for the leg where Agent 1 consults with Agent 2. 
The fourth record for the leg where Agent 1 transfers the caller to Agent 2.
These records are correlated through the RouterCallDay and RouterCallKey fields, which will contain 
the same values for all the TCD associated with this call.