Cisco Cisco Broadband Access Center for Cable 2.7

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Release Notes for Cisco Broadband Access Center 2.7.1
    System Components
System Components
The BAC product comprises:
The Regional Distribution Unit (RDU), which is the primary server in a BAC deployment. Through 
its extensible architecture, the RDU supports the addition of new technologies and services. 
The Device Provisioning Engine (DPE), which handles all device interactions with the RDU. The 
DPE server is available as:
A software DPE that is installed on a Solaris SPARC computer.
A rack-mountable DPE-2115 appliance with the BAC software already installed on it.
Cisco Network Registrar extension points, which are the link between BAC and Network Registrar. 
Network Registrar provides BAC with the DHCP and Domain Name System (DNS) functionality.
The Key Distribution Center (KDC), which is a Kerberos server that authenticates PacketCable 
Media Terminal Adapters (MTAs).
An administrator user interface from which you can monitor and manage BAC.
A sample user interface, which you can use to demonstrate BAC power and flexibility.
A Java provisioning application programming interface (API), which you use to integrate BAC into 
an existing operations support-system environment. 
Before Installing BAC 2.7.1
Review the following critical information before you begin to install BAC 2.7.1.
System Requirements
To successfully install BAC software on your system, you must meet these requirements:
Operating System—You must have Solaris 8 or 9 running on your system.
Network Registrar—You must have Network Registrar version 5.5.12 or later installed on the 
servers on which you are installing BAC extensions.
Cisco recommends that you install Network Registrar version or later. Running BAC 
with a version earlier than 6.0.3 restricts you from using certain features available in this
2.7.1 release.