Cisco Headend Digital Broadband Delivery System Guia Da Instalação

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Restart Utilities 
4038415 Rev A 
Restart Utilities 
Restart the dhctStatus Utility 
The dhctStatus Utility usually runs from cron and will start at its scheduled time. 
Restarting the signonCount Utility 
If the signonCount utility was running prior to the upgrade, follow these steps to 
restart the utility.  If you do not want to start the signonCount utility at this time, 
skip this procedure and go to the next procedure in this chapter. 
1  Type the following command and press Enter. The signonCount process starts 
and begins displaying the set-top sign-on status. 
2  Press the Ctrl and keys simultaneously to stop the terminal output. 
3  Type the following command and press Enter to monitor the signonCount utility 
status. The terminal displays the last 10 lines in the output file, as well as any 
new entries made to the output file. 
tail -f /dvs/dncs/tmp/signonCount.out
4  Press the Ctrl and C keys simultaneously to terminate the tail process. 
Restart the cmd2000 Utility 
1  To restart the cmd2000 utility, type the following commands and press Enter 
after each command. 
svcadm –v enable –rs svc:/application/cmd2000:default
svcadm –v enable –rs 
2  Type the following command and press Enter to verify that the cmd2000 services 
have been enabled. The system displays both cmd2000 services as online
svcs | grep cmd2000
Note:  If the cmd2000 services show a status of Maintenance, or if they are not 
online, call Cisco Services for assistance.