games-microsoft-xbox topspin Manual Do Utilizador

Página de 18
Custom T
You can set up your own tournament with up to 16 players in 
a singles or doubles match. These tournaments are a great way 
to enjoy 
Top Spin at a party, or while relaxing with friends. They 
are also a good way to keep your competitive edge without 
worrying about your world ranking.
To u r n a m e n t   S e t t i n g s
Custom Tournament settings are similar to Exhibition settings 
with a couple of notable exceptions:
Human Players—
The number of players in the tournament.
Number of Rounds—
Up to four rounds and fi xed depending 
on the number of human players.
For example, if you have ten friends playing in a singles 
tournament it must be for four rounds. However, the same 
number of friends could play a three-round doubles tournament.
To create a custom tournament
1.  From the Main Menu, select Custom Tournament.
2.  Choose tournament settings, and then press 
3.  Select a venue and a court, and then press 
4.  Assign players, and then press 
 to begin 
the tournament.
Tennis School
The Tennis School is designed to familiarize new players with 
Top Spin. These are free tutorials (as opposed to the Coaches’ 
Houses that cost coin) where you select the skills you want 
to learn.
From the Main Menu, select Tennis School. Tennis School will 
help you master the following:
•  Swing Timing
•  Serving
•  Slice
•  Topspin
•  Drop Shot
•  Risk Shot
It takes money to make money or, in this case, it takes a 
racquet and great tennis to make coin. You need coin to visit 
coaches’ houses, buy gear and clothes, and visit salons. The 
good news is that you earn coin by winning tournaments and 
accepting sponsorships.
To see how much coin you have earned, go to the Nexus and 
select Player Sheet.