sentrol zxled12 Manual Do Utilizador

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Fire Prevention And Escape
The purpose of heat and smoke detectors is to detect a fire in its earliest
stages and sound an alarm, giving you more time to exit the premises
before smoke reaches a dangerous level.
Know Fire Hazards
No detection device can protect life in all situations. Therefore, safe-
guards should be taken to avoid such potentially dangerous situations
as smoking in bed, leaving children home alone, and cleaning with
flammable liquids such as gasoline.
The best fire protection is minimizing fire hazards through proper
storage of materials and good housekeeping practices.  Careless use of
combustible materials and electrical appliances overloading electrical
outlets are major causes of fire.  Explosive and fast burning materials
must be eliminated from the home.
In Case Of Fire
Leave immediately!  Do not stop to pack or search for valuables.  In
heavy smoke, hold your breath and stay low - crawl if necessary.  The
clearest air usually is at the floor.  If you have to go through a closed
door, carefully feel the door and door knob to see if undue heat is
present.  If relatively cool, brace your foot against the bottom of the
door with your hip against the middle, and one hand against the top
edge.  Open slightly.  If there is a rush of hot air, slam the door quickly
and latch it.  Unvented fire will build up considerable pressure.  Be sure
that all members of the household realize this danger.
Use your neighbor’s phone or street fire alarm box.  The job of extin-
guishing the fire should be left to the professionals.  Too many unfore-
seen things can occur when inexperienced people try to extinguish a