Kodak DC290 Guia Do Utilizador

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Folder and File Naming Conventions
When you are using KODAK-supplied host software and are connected to the 
camera or using a card reader, it is possible to create folders and files, including 
picture files on the memory card. All filenames must follow the DOS 8-character 
format. You can use eight (8) alphanumeric characters (A-Z and 0-9), and DOS-
format symbols. You cannot use spaces or names that begin with BR or TL, 
which are reserved. You cannot use the following symbols:
Period (.)
Slash (/)
Brackets ([ ])
Semicolon (;)
Equal sign (=)
Quotation marks (“ ”)
Backslash (\)
Colon (:)
Vertical bar (|)
Comma (,)
Naming Folders
When naming/renaming a folder using a CF card reader, you should limit the 
name to eight (8) standard alphanumeric characters (A-Z, 0-9). If you rename a 
time-lapse or burst folder and do not use the prefix TL or BR, then the camera no 
longer recognizes the folder as a time-lapse or burst folder, but recognizes the 
folder as an album.
It is possible to create folders that are not used by the camera for picture taking or 
for viewing pictures. You must limit your directory structure to three levels of 
folders and follow the rules for naming a folder.