Cleveland Medical Devices Inc. 0051 Manual Do Utilizador

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Cleveland Medical Devices Inc.                   RatPaak™ User’s Guide
Channel Properties 
The properties of each channel can be configured 
on an individual basis.  Channel properties can 
be viewed by double clicking on any channel 
name on the display graph.  Later we will discuss 
setting the properties for all channels at once by 
locking or using group settings.  The default 
names for the channels are taken from the 
configuration file that the unit was programmed 
with.  The channel name can be changed by 
entering the desired name in the field labeled 
“Name”.  Additionally, clicking on the Color 
drop-down box and choosing a color can change 
the color of the trace for a specific channel.   
The Mark Points option will show the data points 
of a waveform.  If this option is selected, the waveform will appear as shown below.  Use Group Settings 
will be discussed later. 
Custom Settings 
 refers to the range of values that will be displayed on the y-axis of the Display Graph.  The value 
entered here represents +/-  the range that will be displayed on the plot. 
 refers to the value that the Display Graph for the particular channel will be centered around.  You 
can select the offset either by typing in the value or using the mouse to turn the dial to the appropriate 
refers to the upper bound of the Display Graph for that particular channel. 
refers to the lower bound of the Display Graph for that particular channel. 
Filter Settings 
The Low Pass Filter can be turned off or set to a desired value.  This filter is a 1
 order IIR filter. 
The High Pass Filter can be turned off or set to a desired value.  This filter is a 1
 order IIR filter. 
The Notch Filter can be turned off or set to 50 or 60Hz. 
CleveMed Proprietary