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ATmega48A/PA/88A/PA/168A/PA/328/P [DATASHEET]
Atmel-8271H-AVR- ATmega-Datasheet_08/2014
Self-Programming the Flash
The program memory is updated in a page by page fashion. Before programming a page with the data stored in 
the temporary page buffer, the page must be erased. The temporary page buffer is filled one word at a time 
using SPM and the buffer can be filled either before the Page Erase command or between a Page Erase and a 
Page Write operation:
Alternative 1, fill the buffer before a Page Erase
Fill temporary page buffer
Perform a Page Erase
Perform a Page Write
Alternative 2, fill the buffer after Page Erase
Perform a Page Erase
Fill temporary page buffer
Perform a Page Write
If only a part of the page needs to be changed, the rest of the page must be stored (for example in the 
temporary page buffer) before the erase, and then be rewritten. When using alternative 1, the Boot Loader 
provides an effective Read-Modify-Write feature which allows the user software to first read the page, do the 
necessary changes, and then write back the modified data. If alternative 2 is used, it is not possible to read the 
old data while loading since the page is already erased. The temporary page buffer can be accessed in a 
random sequence. It is essential that the page address used in both the Page Erase and Page Write operation 
is addressing the same page. Se
 for an 
assembly code example.
27.8.1 Performing Page Erase by SPM
To execute Page Erase, set up the address in the Z-pointer, write “X0000011” to SPMCSR and execute SPM 
within four clock cycles after writing SPMCSR. The data in R1 and R0 is ignored. The page address must be 
written to PCPAGE in the Z-register. Other bits in the Z-pointer will be ignored during this operation.
Page Erase to the RWW section: The NRWW section can be read during the Page Erase.
Page Erase to the NRWW section: The CPU is halted during the operation.
27.8.2 Filling the Temporary Buffer (Page Loading)
To write an instruction word, set up the address in the Z-pointer and data in R1:R0, write “00000001” to 
SPMCSR and execute SPM within four clock cycles after writing SPMCSR. The content of PCWORD in the Z-
register is used to address the data in the temporary buffer. The temporary buffer will auto-erase after a Page 
Write operation or by writing the RWWSRE bit in SPMCSR. It is also erased after a system reset. Note that it is 
not possible to write more than one time to each address without erasing the temporary buffer.
If the EEPROM is written in the middle of an SPM Page Load operation, all data loaded will be lost.
27.8.3 Performing a Page Write
To execute Page Write, set up the address in the Z-pointer, write “X0000101” to SPMCSR and execute SPM 
within four clock cycles after writing SPMCSR. The data in R1 and R0 is ignored. The page address must be 
written to PCPAGE. Other bits in the Z-pointer must be written to zero during this operation.
Page Write to the RWW section: The NRWW section can be read during the Page Write.
Page Write to the NRWW section: The CPU is halted during the operation.