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4.7 Fibre Channel port configuration panel
This panel is used to modify the Fibre Channel parameters for the FibreBridge. Some parameters will 
be “grayed out” if they do not apply to your model of the FibreBridge or if they have no effect based 
upon the selected value of a related parameter. 
ACK Mode (default = ACK1)
ACK 0 and ACK 1 are the two different methods for sending 
the acknowledgment during Class 2 transfers. ACK 0 sends 
an acknowledgement at the end of a sequence of data 
packets. When ACK 1 is selected, an acknowledgement will 
be sent after every data packet. The method of ACK must 
match that of the initiator.
Addressing Mode (default = Soft)
Select either the Hard or Soft Fibre Channel Addressing 
Mode. Hard Addressing enables the FibreBridge to always 
use the AL-PA (Fibre Channel ID) value entered in the Hard 
Address field. Soft Addressing will result in the FibreBridge 
taking a soft address in which the FibreBridge will be 
assigned an AL-PA by the loop master during loop 
initialization. This may cause the FibreBridge, and 
connected SCSI devices, to be identified by a different AL-
PA each time the loop is rebooted. 
Address Translation (default = Disabled)
Used to enable the Addressing Translation Mode within the 
FibreBridge. Setting Address Translation to Disabled will 
result in the FibreBridge using the default bit pattern of 
LLLL TTTB to address your SCSI devices. 
Setting the Address Translation to Enabled allows users to 
configure the BTL pattern (FibreBridge Bus, Target ID, 
LUN) for a configuration that matches the intended 
A Fibre Channel host computer will address the 
FibreBridge using a Fibre Channel ID and a Fibre Channel 
LUN (ex. ID 4 LUN 7). The SCSI devices connected to the 
FibreBridge will be addressed as Fibre Channel LUNs of 
the FibreBridge ID (ex. ID 4 LUNs 0-6). The FibreBridge 
has two independent busses that can each contain SCSI 
targets 0 through 15 with multiple LUNs for each target. 
The BTL translation method is used to combine each of 
these unique SCSI device IDs into one Fibre Channel LUN, 
while maintaining the requirement that each SCSI device 
have an unique identifier. 
Each SCSI device connected to the FibreBridge can be 
identified by the FibreBridge Bus (B) it is connected to, the 
SCSI Target ID (T) the device is set at and the SCSI LUN 
(L). The selected bit pattern uses a binary translation to 
combine the BTL information into one Fibre Channel LUN. 
Leaving this field disabled is usually acceptable if you have 
four or fewer SCSI target devices on FibreBridge Bus 1 (set 
to SCSI IDS 0, 1, 2 and 3) and four or fewer on FibreBridge 
Bus 2 (set to SCSI IDs 0, 1, 2 and 3). Configurations using 
SCSI RAID controllers or those that require more than four 
devices per bridge bus will require you to set this field to 
enabled and to modify the Addressing Method field. Refer 
to the Fibre Channel to SCSI Addressing chapter in the 
FibreBridge manual or contact ATTO Technical Support if 
you need further assistance.
Hard Address (default = 3)
Used to set the decimal value of the FC-AL hard address 
after the Addressing Mode field is set to Hard. Allowable 
values are between 0 and 126. Be sure to select an AL-PA 
not in use by any other Fibre Channel device in the 
arbitrated loop.
Arbitration Fairness (default = Enabled)
Used to enable or disable Arbitration Loop Fairness. 
Fairness is an algorithm that assures all NL_Ports on an 
arbitrated loop will have equal access to the loop. Each 
NL_Port has an arbitration priority assigned to it based on 
its AL_PA. When enabled, the fairness algorithm creates an 
access window in which all NL_Ports are given an 
opportunity to win access to the loop, regardless of assigned 
priority. When disabled, a device with a high priority may 
dominate the loop. 
Some Fibre Channel devices are not compatible in the 
execution of arbitration fairness algorithms. If you 
experience intermittent behavior in terms of FibreBridge 
performance or certain SCSI devices connected to the 
FibreBridge are not detected by the host computer, try 
disabling this setting.
Class 2 (default = Disabled)
Used to enable Class 2 Fibre Channel transfers. When 
enabled, the target device (FibreBridge) will send an 
acknowledge to the initiator indicating that data has been 
received. The default mode of the FibreBridge uses Class 3 
transfers in which the responsibility of verifying that data 
has been properly transferred is left to the application 
program. While Class 2 will result is fewer retries from the 
application program, it requires more overhead to send the 
actual acknowledge. Only set the bridge for Class 2 
transfers if the initiating device also supports it. 
FibreBridge Soft Fibre LUN (default = 7)
If Address Translation has been enabled, the value selected 
will be the Fibre Channel LUN of the FibreBridge as 
identified by all host computers. For example, if a value of 
5 exists in this field and the FibreBridge hard address is set