Справочник Пользователя для EMSA HS500E

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C H A P T E R   5 :   E T H E R N E T / I P   P R O T O C O L  
9  Write Tag Name / Write File Address: 
a.  For ControlLogix: Specify a Write Tag Name that is 40 characters or 
less. The Write Tag Name refers to the name of the Controller Tag in 
the PLC where the HS500E will write PLC-bound data for Node 01 
(example: EMS_WRITE1). Note: this is not to be confused with writing 
to an RFID transponder, which is often referred to as “writing to a tag.”  
b.  For SLC505: Enter a value in each of the two Write File Address 
fields. The first field contains the number of the (write) Status File on 
the PLC (for example: N7). The second field contains the Write File 
. Together these values indicate the location in the PLC’s Status 
File where the HS500E will write Host-bound data. 
10 Enter a number between 5 and 6000 to indicate the number of ticks for the 
Write Heartbeat Timeou(5 ticks = 50ms, 6000 ticks = 1 minute, 0 ticks = 
disabled). This value represents the frequency at which the HS500E will write 
data to the Write Tag (or the Write File Address) in the PLC when there is 
Host-bound data waiting. 
Read Settings 
11 Specify the number of words (between 1 and 100, 0 = disabled) for the Max 
Read Size. The Max Read Size value represents the maximum number of 2-
byte “words” that the HS500E will attempt to retrieve from PLC memory 
during a single command-response cycle. Note: the actual data size required 
on the PLC is 3 words larger than the value specified in this field.
12  Read Tag Name / Read File Address: 
a.  For ControlLogixSpecify a Read Tag Name that is 40 characters or 
less. The Read Tag Name refers to the name of the tag in PLC memory 
from which the HS500E will retrieve data. 
b.  For SLC505:  Enter a value in each of the two Read File Address 
fields. The first field contains the number of the (read) Status File on 
the PLC (for example: N7). The second field contains the Read File 
. Together these values indicate the location in the PLC status file 
from which the HS500E will retrieve data. 
13 Enter a value between 5 and 6000 to indicate the number of ticks for the 
Read Poll Rate. (5 ticks = 50ms, 6000 ticks = 1 minute, 0 ticks = disabled) 
This value represents the frequency at which the HS500E will poll the Read 
Tag (or the Read File Address) in PLC memory. Polling is the act of 
repeatedly querying a specific memory location for the presence of new data. 
14  After you have entered the proper information on this page, click the Save 
Settings button. Your changes will be stored and you will be returned to the 
OnDemand Configuration Page
H S 5 0 0 E   –   O P E R A T O R ’ S   M A N U A L                                          
P / N :   1 7 - 1 3 0 5   R E V 0 2   ( 1 2 - 0 5 )  
P A G E   4 3   O F   8 2