Справочник Пользователя для Netopia ter

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8  Getting Started User Guide
In most cases, this Smar tStar t configuration is all that you need to get your router up and running and connected to the Internet. However, you may 
want to take advantage of additional features or special configuration options available through the console-based configuration inter face. For 
detailed instructions, see the on-line 
User’s Reference Guide
 on your Netopia CD.
Connection Profile screen. 
Your ISP-supplied configuration information 
may be displayed in grayed-out fields that you do not have to change. All 
fields must be filled in except the Alternate DNS field if your ISP does not 
provide one.
If you have a PBX system, you may need a dialing prefix (such as “9” for 
an outside line). Enter that information here.
When you have done this, click Next.
The Name and Password screen (shown below) appears; this is where you 
enter the username and password for your connection to your ISP.
Name and Password screen. 
Enter the username and password that 
identifies you to your ISP.
When you have done this, click Next.
The Smar tStar t Wizard then posts your connection profile information to 
your router.
Now the Connection Profile Test screen (shown below) appears. It allows 
you to test your connection to your ISP using the connection profile you 
have just created.
Connection Profile Test screen. 
Smar tStar t tests your connection 
profile by attempting to connect to your ISP.
To test the connection profile with your ISP, click Next.
While the test is running, Smar tStar t repor ts its progress in a brief 
succession of dialog boxes as described below.
Available Line Test Progress screen. 
Smar tStar t tests to see if the 
router can place calls on your telephone line. While it is testing the 
connection, a dialog box is displayed and the LEDs flash.
Connection Test Progress screen. 
Smar tStar t displays a dialog box 
showing you that your connection profile is being tested. If this test fails, 
check the physical connections between the computer, the router, and the 
wall jack or jacks. Check for errors in any manual entries you made during 
the configuration process.
Final screen. 
When the connection tests successfully, Smar tStar t 
displays a screen telling you that your configuration is now complete.