Краткое Руководство По Установке для Ricoh ap204

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Windows Headers
Windows Headers
Headers are appended to the print data, and contain RICOH-SCRIPT2 com-
mands required for proper printing. The default setting appends the headers to
the data automatically for each print job, so you can print without worrying
about the header data. You can specify how header data is sent to the printer
with Windows 95/98.
❒ Changing header settings should be performed by system administrators
who are familiar with the functions of PostScript.
Sending Header Data
There are two methods for sending header data.
Send header data for each print job (default)
Use this setting when printing data to a file and when printing to a shared net-
work printer. Select 
[Download header with each print job]
 in the 
to enable this method.
Send header to printer only once
This setting causes the header data to be stored in the printer memory, so jobs
printed after the header data has already been sent print more quickly. Head-
er data in the printer memory is cleared whenever the printer power is turned
off, the printer is reset, or you switch to another type of the printer language. 
Printing without header data results in an error, so be careful when sending
header data individually.
[Assume header is downloaded and retained]
 in the 
 tab to enable
this method. To use this setting, you should send the header data to the print-
er in advance, so click 
[Send Header Now]
❒ When the header data is sent to the printer, a message to inform you that the
header has been sent is printed. 
❒ If you send a print job to the printer without the header, a message to inform
you to send the header is printed. In this case, select 
[Assume header is down-
loaded and retained]
[Send Header Now]
 to send the header data to the printer.
If the header has already been stored in the printer memory, a message is
printed informing you that it has been stored.