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Managing Remote Access Concentrators Using Annex Manager
Chapter 8    Configuring Modems
The Edit Modem Window
Modem definitions reside in the RAC configuration file. Default modem
definitions are stored in include files. If you change a definition that uses
default values, Annex Manager copies the definition from the
and places it in the RAC configuration file.
The definitions you create or change here apply to all ports and all
RACs that use the same load host. Your changes may not apply solely
to the RACs or ports you selected.
Edit Modem
 uses these fields:
Modem Name
 specifies the type of modem attached to the ports
or RACs you selected. For RACs with asynchronous ports, this
field automatically displays the name that appears in the
 field of the
Edit Async Port
 window. For ISDN Primary
Rate RACs, it displays the internal modem name from the RAC
configuration file.
If this field displays an existing modem name,
Connect Status
Dialin Setup Command
, and
Dialout Setup Command
display current values.
If this field displays
 or is blank, Annex Manager
provides default values in
Connect Status String
Dialin Setup
, and
Dialout Setup Command
. Use these default
values or enter new values.
If you want to view or edit a definition for a modem other
than the one listed in the window, click
 here and select
another name from the list.
If the
Edit Modem
 window appears with a modem name
and you enter another existing name,
Connect Status
Dialin Setup Command
Dialout Setup Command
do not automatically display values for the name you
entered. If you click
 at this point, Annex Manager
changes the definition for the name you entered to the
values displayed in the window. Use this method to create
a new definition with the same values as an existing one.
Connect Status String
 contains the string the RAC uses
when it initiates an outbound call. This string lists all