Release Note для Spectra Logic spectra t120

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Enabling and Configuring Rotation Manager (Optional)
December 2008
Spectra T950 Library
Enabling and Configuring Rotation Manager (Optional)
If your site uses NetBackup’s Vault Manager, you can purchase the 
Rotation Manager option to simplify identifying tapes moved off site. With 
Rotation Manager installed, the library sends an email containing the bar 
code information for every piece of media and its off-site location to a 
specified address.
Administrators can use this email to import identifying information for 
every bar-coded cartridge going off site into the backup software. Along 
with listing every bar-coded cartridge, the information also lists the bar 
code of the TeraPack magazine holding the cartridge, which simplifies 
finding groups of cartridges using a single bar code.
After enabling the option as described in the Spectra T950 User Guide, use 
the following steps to configure the Rotation Manager.
1. Log into the library with superuser or administrator privileges.
2. From the toolbar menu, select General > Import Export > Rotation 
Manager. The Rotation Manager Configuration screen displays.
3. Select the software vendor you are using and the Mail To email address 
to use for sending notifications. 
Only previously configured mail recipients are listed.
4. Select Save.
Figure 65 The Rotation Manager Configuration 