для Cisco Cisco Clean Access 3.5

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Cisco Clean Access Manager Installation and Administration Guide
Chapter 12      Monitoring
Online Users List
View Online Users
The View Online Users tab provides two links for the two online users lists: In-Band and Out-of-Band.
By default, View Online User pages display the login user name, IP and MAC address (if available), 
provider, and role of each user. For information on selecting the column information to display, such as 
OS version, or for out-of-band users: switch port, see 
A green background for an entry indicates a user device accessing the Clean Access network in a 
temporary role: either a quarantine role or the Clean Access Agent Temporary role. 
A device listed on the View Online Users page but not in the Clean Access Certified List generally 
indicates the device is in the process of certification. 
In-Band Users
Clicking the In-Band link brings up the View Online Users page for in-band users (
). The 
In-Band Online Users list tracks the in-band users logged into the Clean Access network. 
The Clean Access Manager adds a client IP and MAC address (if available) to this list after a user logs 
into the network either through web login or the Clean Access Agent. 
Removing a user from the Online Users list logs the user off the in-band network. 
Figure 12-2
View Online Users Page—In-Band
Filtered users
actual number
of Active users