для Cisco Cisco Customer Voice Portal 8.0(1)

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Retrieving [version] data from device [localhost] ProductType [cvp] 
Retrieving [component] data from device [localhost] ProductType [cvp]
Retrieving [log] data from device [localhost] ProductType [cvp] ...
Default time range is last 24 hours.
Output is saved to "C:\Cisco\CVP\wsm\CLI\download\clioutput0.zip"
• The show tech-support command creates a single zip file in the directory
• By default, this command collects the traces for the last 24 hours. Use the reltime parameter
to change that period. For example, if you want to pull traces for the last 3 days, use the
following command: show tech-support reltime 3 days.
Step 4
CLI Command Options. Each System CLI command has a set of command options. Each
option consists of a keyword and set of values. The following is an example of how to use a
command with options.
In this example, the keyword component has a value cvp:CallServer and the keyword
subcomponent has a value cvp:ICM. The following command tells the System CLI to get the
configuration data for component CallServer and subcomponent ICM in the Unified CVP
admin:show config component cvp:CallServer subcomponent cvp:ICM
Downloading Configuration file: [ICM: icm.properties] ...
ICM.icmGarbageCollectorInterval : 120
ICM.locationDelimeter : --
ICM.icmHeartbeatInterval : 5000
ICM.preRoutedCallServiceID : 2
ICM.icmVxmlIdleTimeout : 30
Step 5
Redirecting Output. Almost all commands have a redirect option. This option tells the System
CLI to redirect the command output to a directory (or a file). If the output is saved in a directory,
it is saved in a zip file in that specific directory. The following example saves the zip file to
admin:show version redirect dir c:\temp
An advantage to saving to a directory is that the output zip file provides a consistent directory
structure. When unzipped, the directory structure enables you to find the required diagnostic
data quickly.
If you redirect the output to a file, the information will be stored in the form a of "flat" file
similar to what you would see for the screen output. An example of redirecting to a file would
Configuration and Administration Guide for Cisco Unified Customer Voice Portal Release 8.0(1)
Chapter 4: Using Cisco Serviceability Tools
Unified System CLI