Руководство Пользователя для Cisco Cisco Email Security Appliance C160

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Cisco AsyncOS 8.5.5 for Email Security User Guide
Chapter 21      Validating Recipients Using an SMTP Server
  How to Validate Recipients Using an External SMTP Server
 describes the SMTP Call-Ahead Server Profile advanced settings:
Call Ahead Server Responses
The SMTP server may return the following responses:
2xx: When an SMTP code starting with 2 is received from the call-ahead server, the recipient is 
accepted. For example, a response of 250 allows the mailing action to continue. 
Table 21-3
SMTP Call-Ahead Server Profile Advanced Settings
The interface used to initiate the SMTP conversation with the SMTP server. 
Choose to use the Management interface or Auto. When you select Auto, the 
Email Security appliance attempts to automatically detect an interface to 
use. The Cisco IronPort interface attempts to connect to the SMTP server in 
the following ways:
If the call-ahead server is on the same subnet as one of the configured 
interfaces, then the connection is initiated by the matching interface.
Any configured SMTP routes are used to route the query.
Otherwise, the interface that is on the same subnet as the default 
gateway are used. 
The MAIL FROM: address to be used for the SMTP conversation with the 
SMTP server. 
Validation Request Timeout
The number of seconds to wait for a result from the SMTP server. This 
timeout value is for a single recipient validation request which may involve 
contacting multiple call-ahead servers. See 
Validation Failure Action
The action to be taken when a recipient validation request fails (due to a 
timeout, server failure, network issue, or unknown response). You can 
configure how you want the Email Security appliance to handle the different 
responses. See 
Temporary Failure Action
The action to be taken when a recipient validation request temporarily fails 
(and a 4xx response is returned from the remote SMTP server). This can 
occur when the mailbox is full, the mailbox is not available, or the service 
is not available).
Max. Recipients per 
Maximum number of recipients to be validated in a single SMTP session. 
Specify between 1 - 25,000 sessions.
Max. Connections per 
Maximum number of connections to a single call-ahead SMTP server. 
Specify between 1-100 connections. 
Size of the cache for SMTP responses. Specify between 100-1,000,000 
Cache TTL
Time-to-live value for entries in the cache. This field defaults to 900 
seconds. Specify between 60 - 86400 seconds.