Справочник Пользователя для Garmin gns 500w

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190-00356-00 Rev E
Map Page Auto Zoom
An autozoom feature is available which will auto-
matically adjust from an en route range of 200 NM 
through each lower range, stopping at a range of  
1.0 NM as you approach your destination waypoint. 
The autozoom feature is turned on/off from the map 
setup page. 
The map page also displays a background map 
showing lakes, rivers, coastlines, highways, railways 
and towns. When a map scale is selected below the 
lower limit at which the map detail was originally cre-
ated, an “overzoom” indication will appear on the map 
display, below the scale reading. “Overzoom” indicates 
that the detail at this scale may not accurately repre-
sent actual conditions. If you continue to zoom in to 
lower scale settings, “overzoom” will be replaced with 
“no map” and the geographic detail is removed from 
the map display (but, the airport and navaid detail will 
The “Setup Map?” option allows you to define the 
maximum scale at which each map feature will appear. 
This provides you with complete control to minimize 
screen clutter. You can also quickly remove items from 
the map using the CLR key. 
To quickly declutter the map display, press the CLR key 
momentarily (as often as needed) to select the desired 
amount of map detail. 
The right-hand side of the map page includes four 
user-selectable data fields. By default, the displayed 
data is: destination waypoint name (WPT), desired 
track (DTK), distance to destination waypoint (DIS)
and ground speed (GS). Any of these data fields may 
be changed to display a different data type. You may 
also remove the four data fields from the map to show 
a larger map image. 
The CLR key allows you to quickly declutter 
the map display, providing four levels of 
map detail. Note the “-1” and “-2” (“-3” is 
also provided) suffix designations above, 
indicating each successive declutter level. 
Declutter Level
Removes all land data except rivers 
and lakes. 
Removes all airspace except Prohibit-
ed and Restricted. Also removes NDBs, 
Intersections, and User waypoints. 
Removes all data except the Active 
Flight Plan, Prohibited airspace ,rivers, 
lakes, traffic, and lightning data (also 
equivalent to “-A” approach mode 
Map Page