Справочник Пользователя для games-pc ultima vii part two

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Locating the Serpent Pillars took considerably less eff o rt
than I first expected, though even now I am still a bit
dizzy from the trip. This new land beyond the Pillars is
m a rvelous! Here, free from the tyrannical rule of Lord
British, I can further my studies in magic. I know there is
still much to see, far too much to observe without re c o rd -
keeping – for even my mind could not retain the memories
of all I see.
*   * *
It is perhaps best to note here what made all this investigation
much simpler than I had expected. While investigating one of the
ruins, I noticed a large, ivory-toned object in the shape of a half
moon. As I picked up the item, requiring both hands, I realized it
was made of bone. Though I saw no teeth, I surmised I held in
my hands the jawbone of some cre a t u re. But what could it be?
I re t u rned to my laboratory for further observation. I was able to match the shape
to sketches I had made both here and in Sosaria, pleased that I have always had the
f o resight to note my surroundings in journals. The jawbone matched that of a serpent
in all aspects save its size. Then, remembering the many serpentine re f e rences I had
seen throughout the land, including the runes, I realized what I had. This must be, I
thought, an archaic relic, sacred to the continent’s original inhabitants. I was holding
the jawbone of a giant serpent – a cre a t u re they must have worshipped!
*   * *
I was determined to learn more. Returning to the ruins I continued my searc h .
Spying more bone-like material, I dug through the debris and pulled out what looked
like a large fang. And then I noticed another. And another! Soon I had several such
teeth. Back in my study, I set the teeth inside the jawbone. The
fit was better than one of Dro g e n i ’s lambskin gloves.
Suspecting great powers were now in my possession, I
began a series of experiments to learn what secrets I could. It was not long before I
had discovered all I needed to know. Each tooth, when set within the jawbone,
called forth magical pathways leading to other locations about the land. Sadly, other
mages, envious of my new-found power, secreted away most of the teeth, leaving me
powerless to explore the entire land. It is for this reason I have departed their petty,
thieving company forever.