Справочник Пользователя для your-freedom user guide

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Your Freedom User Guide 
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3.3 Test drives 
If you are considering to buy a package but are not sure whether it will be what you 
expect, how about a test drive? Log in to our web page at 
click on “Prices”, and click on the “Try Before You Buy” link on the left. Everyone is 
welcome to try, but notice that we only allow test drives for accounts that have been 
created at least 3 days ago and that haven’t tested extensively already. Also, we 
refuse test drives for accounts that have been involved in payment reversals before. 
However, our support staff can help you out should you need additional testing; just 
send an email to 
During a test drive you’ll receive all the benefits of the selected package, and what’s 
more, you may even switch from one package type to another to test them all. Simply 
visit the “Try Before You Buy” page again to modify or end your test drive. 
As with bought packages, it may take a few minutes for updates to propagate to all 
servers, and you may have to restart your connection or even the Your Freedom 
client to see the difference. 
4 Troubleshooting 
The Your Freedom client comes with built-in troubleshooting facilities. There is the 
message log that you can access from the Messages tab (you may save it to a file as 
well) but this will only help you in everyday situations. For more detailed 
troubleshooting you need to run Your Freedom in “dump” mode, and you might have 
to use a packet sniffer as well. 
4.1  Why does my app/game not work? 
There is of course no off-the-shelf answer to this question. But the first thing you 
should look at is the streams panel of the Your Freedom client. Does the application 
create streams there when you use it before it complains that it cannot connect? If 
no, then it is likely not properly configured. See if you’ve got the proxy settings in the 
application right – if it’s running on the same PC as the Your Freedom client, use 
“localhost” or “” as the proxy host address, and 1080 (SOCKS) or 8080 
(web/http/https) as the proxy port. If it’s running on another PC, be sure you have 
relaying enabled (Ports panel) and it’s permitted by your profile
 (Account Profile 
panel), and you’ve used the Your Freedom PC’s local LAN address as the proxy host 
Then check the message panel in the Your Freedom client – do you see blocked 
protocol messages there? You need to use another Your Freedom server then, the 
one you are using right now is not supporting a protocol that you need. 
Please have a look at our online documentation if you are having trouble. We know 
it’s not perfect and the introduction page is an outright shame but have a look 
anyway, there is more in there than you might think. 
Another plan might be to have a look at the user forums. Maybe someone else had 
the same problem before? The forums can be found at 
 At the time of writing, only the TOTAL package permits relaying – it won’t work without a TOTAL 
package no matter how often you enable it.