Справочник Пользователя для Baumer Electric AG OIS-W-WR300303

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Baumer Ident AG 
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Author: Clemens Zehnder   
File: Maintenance-SW.doc Version 3.0 e     
If you want to use the digital outputs, please follow the table 4-10. To set the parameters for the time function in 
the chosen operating mode, please  follow also the table 4-10. We gladly advise you on defining the parameters.
Auxmode1 / Auxmode2 
There are four ways for the digital output to forward a valid identification: 
Auxmode=0 transparent 
Auxmode=1 filtered 
This filter function decides whether the current code N is unequal to the code N-1. In combination with 
the time constant Tauxf it is possible to define the duration after which the same code can set the 
digital output again without a different tag (T) having passed the identification point in the meantime. 
Auxmode=2 Host 
A higher-order system controls the digital output via telegram. 
Auxmode=3 ID 
If you use only one antenna (Reader settings: Ant=1 or Ant=2) then you have the possibility to indicate 
when the host answers the data telegram. The answer telegram is called acknowledge telegram. 
Auxfunct1 / Auxfunct2 
There are two different timer functions for the digital outputs: 
Auxfunct=0 Impulse 
Delayed turn-off 
Tdon1 / Tdon2 
This parameter defines the ON delay of the chosen timer function. 
Tdoff1 / Tdoff2 
This parameter defines the impulse duration (Auxfunct=0) or the OFF delay (Auxfunct=1). 
Tauxf1 / Tauxf2 
This parameter defines the time constant of the function „Auxmode“. 
Auxinv1 / Auxinv2 
The output can be inverted. 
1 or 2 
1 or 2 
Table 4-5: ID acknowledge 
Using only Ant1: 
When the acknowledge arrives within the duration specified 
by the parameter ID_Msg_Timeout, then the digital output 
AUX_OUT2 will be „ON“ for the duration specified by the 
parameter Tdoff2. 
Using only Ant2: 
When the acknowledge arrives within the duration specified 
by the parameter ID_Msg_Timeout, then the digital output 
AUX_OUT1 will be „ON“ for the duration specified by the 
parameter Tdoff1.