Справочник Пользователя для Boston Scientific Corporation CRM70514

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Placing a magnet over the SQ-RX Pulse Generator suspends arrhythmia detection and therapy 
response. Removing the magnet resumes arrhythmia detection and therapy response.
Battery depletion will eventually cause the SQ-RX Pulse Generator to stop functioning. 
Defibrillation and excessive numbers of charging cycles shorten the SQ-RX Pulse Generator’s 
battery longevity.
The S-ICD System has not been evaluated for pediatric use.
The S-ICD System does not provide long-term bradycardia pacing, Cardiac Resynchronization 
Therapy (CRT) or Anti-Tachycardia Pacing (ATP).
Use of Other Medical Therapies/Diagnostic Procedures
External defibrillation or cardioversion may damage the S-ICD System. Avoid placing the 
defibrillation paddles directly over the SQ-RX device or electrode.
Cardio Pulmonary Resuscitation (CPR) may temporarily interfere with sensing and may cause 
delay of therapy.
Do not expose a patient with an implanted S-ICD System to diathermy. The interaction of 
diathermy therapy with an implanted SQ-RX Pulse Generator can damage the SQ-RX Pulse 
Generator and cause patient injury.
Do not expose the patient to MRI scanning. MRI scanning can damage the SQ-RX Pulse 
Generator and cause patient injury.
Electrical interference or “noise” from sources such as electrosurgical and monitoring 
equipment can interfere with the communication between the programmer and SQ-RX Pulse 
Generator or cause inappropriate therapy. If interference occurs, move and reposition the 
programmer or wand away from the source of the interference.
Ionizing radiation therapy, such as radioactive cobalt, linear accelerators, and betatrons 
may adversely affect the S-ICD System operation. Therapeutic ionizing radiation cannot be 
immediately detected; however, it can damage the electronic components of the SQ-RX Pulse 
Generator. To minimize the risks of ionizing radiation:
Shield the SQ-RX Pulse Generator with a radiation-resistant material, regardless of the 
distance between the SQ-RX Pulse Generator and the radiation beam.
Do not project the radiation port directly at the SQ-RX Pulse Generator.
Evaluate the S-ICD System operation after each radiation treatment.
Lithotripsy and other therapeutic forms of ultrasound can damage the SQ-RX Pulse Generator. 
If required, avoid direct flow of the pulse waves near the site of the implanted SQ-RX Pulse 