Справочник Пользователя для Intelligent Motion Systems 17

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G e n e r a l   S p e c i f i c a t i o n s
S o f t w a r e
Program and Data Storage ......................................................................................... Non-Volatile
User Program Space .................................................................................................. 767 Bytes
User Registers ........................................................................................................... 4 - 32 Bit
Math Functions ......................................................................................................... +, -, x, ÷, <>, =, <, <=, >, >=, AND, OR,
Branch Functions ...................................................................................................... Branch & Call (Conditional)
Predefined I/O Functions
Inputs ........................................................................................................................ Home, Limit +, Limit -, Go, Stop, Pause,
Jog +, Jog -, Analog Input
Outputs ..................................................................................................................... Moving, Fault
Trip Functions .......................................................................................................... Input, Position
Party Mode Node Addresses .................................................................................... 62
Encoder Functions .................................................................................................... Stall Detect, Position Maintenance,
Find Index
P r o t e c t i o n
Types ......................................................................................................................... Thermal
P o w e r   S u p p l y   R e q u i r e m e n t s
Each MDrive will require a maximum power supply current of 2A. Actual power supply current will depend upon the load and
duty cycle.
R e c o m m e n d e d   I M S   P o w e r   S u p p l i e s
Listed below are the power supplies recommended for use with both voltage ranges of the MDrive23 Motion Control.
U n r e g u l a t e d   L i n e a r   S u p p l y
Input Specifications
AC Input Voltage Range .................................................................................................... 102-132VAC/Optional 240VAC
Frequency ........................................................................................................................... 50-60Hz
Output Specifications
Voltage (Nominal - No Load) ............................................................................................ 40 VDC
Current (Peak) ................................................................................................................... 4 Amps
Current (Continuous) ......................................................................................................... 2 Amps
U n r e g u l a t e d   S w i t c h i n g   S u p p l y
Input Specifications
AC Input Voltage Range .................................................................................................... 102-132VAC
/Optional 240VAC
Frequency ........................................................................................................................... 50-60Hz
Output Specifications
Voltage (Nominal - No Load) ............................................................................................ 45 VDC
Current (Peak) ................................................................................................................... 3 Amps
Current (Continuous) ......................................................................................................... 1.5 Amps
T h e r m a l   S p e c i f i c a t i o n s
Because the MDrive consists of two core components, a drive and a motor, close attention must be paid to the thermal environment
where the device is used. The following maximum temperatures apply to the MDrive23:
Heatsink Temperature
Max .................................................................................................................................... 85°C
Motor Temperature
Max .................................................................................................................................... 100°C