Roland V-Synth 用户手册

页码 180
Creating a Patch
Bend Range Down (Pitch Bend Range Down)
Specifies the degree of pitch change in semitones when the Pitch 
Bend lever is all the way left. For example if this is set to “-48” and 
you move the pitch bend lever all the way to the left, the pitch will 
fall 4 octaves.
TT Pad
Mode (Time Trip Pad Mode)
Specifies the operating mode of the Time Trip pad.
 XY mode. The effect will be applied when you move your 
finger up/down/left/right on the Time Trip pad.
 Time Trip mode. The effect will be applied when you move 
your finger in a circle over the Time Trip pad.
Hold (Time Trip Pad Hold Switch) 
Specifies whether the current value will be maintained (ON) when 
you remove your finger from the Time Trip pad, or not maintained 
In the screen, “X-Y” and “Time Trip” indicate the effect that is 
assigned and the location of the pad that your finger touched.
Matrix Ctrl
Up to eight Matrix Controls can be used in a single patch. In the right 
side of the screen, touch the “Control 1/2”–”Control 7/8” tabs to 
select the matrix control that you want to use.
Source (Matrix Control Source)
Sets the MIDI message used to change the patch parameter with the 
Matrix Control.
 Matrix control will not be used.
CC01–31, 33–95:
 Controller numbers 1–31, 33–95
For more information about Control Change messages, please 
refer to 
 Pitch Bend
 Time Trip pad (horizontal direction from the center)
 Time Trip pad (vertical direction from the center)
 Time Trip pad (horizontal direction)
 Time Trip pad (vertical direction)
 Time Trip pad (center from the circumference)
Matrix Control
Ordinarily, if you wanted to change tone parameters using an 
external MIDI device, you would need to send System 
Exclusive messages—MIDI messages designed exclusively for 
the V-Synth. However, System Exclusive messages tend to be 
complicated, and the amount of data that needs to be 
transmitted can get quite large.
For that reason, a number of the more typical of the V-Synth’s 
patch parameters have been designed so they accept the use of 
Control Change (or other) MIDI messages for the purpose of 
making changes in their values. This provides you with a 
variety of means of changing the way patches are played. For 
example, you can use the Pitch Bend lever to change the LFO 
cycle rate, or use the keyboard’s touch to open and close a filter.
The function which allows you use MIDI messages to make 
these changes in realtime to the tone parameters is called the 
Matrix Control
To use the Matrix Control, specify which MIDI message (Source 
parameter) will be used to control which parameter 
(Destination parameter), and how greatly (Sns parameter).