Roland CUBE-80X 用户手册

页码 31
Tube Crunch
When the GAIN knob is at maximum, this produces a sound with the 
lustrous distortion obtained from a vacuum-tube amplifier with the 
volume turned all the way up.
You can obtain a near-clean sound with little distortion and unchanged 
airy brightness simply by slightly turning down the volume on the 
By adjusting the volume knob on the guitar together with the GAIN 
knob setting, adjusting the GAIN knob so that the amount of distortion 
changes naturally depending on your picking dynamics with little 
change in volume, you can obtain sound with a broad range of 
Swamp Crunch
This is a blues sound found in vintage amps, with a tenacious midrange 
and low end and a bright, open high band.
The boosted midrange and high end are distinguishing characteristics 
of the TWEED amp. By turning up the TREBLE knob or lowering the 
BASS knob slightly, you can adjust the attack sound of the picking.
To create a fat, sweet sound, reducing the presence a little may be 
Conversely, to produce a transparent and sharp crunch sound with 
little distortion, lower the midrange while boosting the presence 
Hard Stack
This is a 1970s-style hard-rock sound.
Turning up the gain and the equalizer all the way produces a powerful 
rock sound in all riffs and solos.
Applying a clean delay with a short delay time of 30 ms produces a fat 
sound characteristic of the sounds emitted by the surfaces of the 
Adding just a touch of phaser can also make the sound even broader. 
Using effects devices like overdrive as well can produce distortion with 
even richer harmonics.
You can also obtain a clear and airy crunch sound by turning down the 
GAIN and BASS knobs.
Tapping Lead
This is a high-gain lead sound with sustain.
If you’re using a guitar with single-coil pickups, boost the gain to 
produce sustain.
Raise the high end and presence to produce fully developed picking 
harmonics. To produce smooth legato notes when using tapping, turn 
down the midrange.
To make the sound even fuller, add just a light amount of delay and 
reverb. Set a long delay time to keep phrases from becoming muddy.
Applying FLANGER produces a sound with smooth breadth, even when 
playing riffs.
SELECT switch = LEAD
SELECT switch = LEAD
Delay time = 30 ms
SELECT switch = LEAD
Delay time = approx. 650 ms (reference)
SELECT switch = LEAD  21 ページ  2008年12月12日 金曜日 午後6時7分