Lucent Technologies R5SI 用户手册

页码 2643
DEFINITY Enterprise Communications Server Release 5
Maintenance and Test for R5vs/si  
Issue 1
April 1997
Maintenance Commands and Trouble-Clearing Aids 
Page 8-362
set time 
Help Messages
If the system technician presses 
after entering "set time," the following 
message will be displayed:
Entry is not required
Error Messages
If the system encounters an error in getting the current time of day, then the 
following message will be displayed:
Error encountered, cannot complete request
If the command entered is in conflict with another currently executing command, 
then a message will be displayed showing the login id of the conflicting user and 
the conflicting command. The message is as follows:
’login id’:’command’ has a command conflict
If during the execution of a command a resource problem occurs that requires 
the user to restart the command, then the following message will be displayed:
Command resources busy; 
Press CANCEL to clear, and then resubmit
If all of the available maintenance resources are currently in use, then the 
following message will be displayed:
All maintenance resources busy; try again later
After entering the command "set time," the system technician will be presented 
with the following form. The current time, or default time will be placed in the 
Day of the Week:
The day of the week that will be used by the time of day clock on the 
switch. Valid entries are Monday through Sunday. The timer will 
maintain the value of the day of the week, incrementing it every 
twenty-four (24) hours, and resetting it at the seventh day.
Day of the Month:
The day of the month that will be used by the system time of day 
clock. 1-31 are valid entries. A check for leap year is also made, 
February can have 29 days in 1984, but only 28 in the year 1990.
The month that will be used by the system time of day clock. Any of 
the twelve months are valid entries.